Did you know that if you are trying to improve your credit, in addition to starting to manage it carefully, you must clean up any negative notes that exist on your credit record. Debts in collection are some of the entries that must be deleted from the report in order to have a good rating or Score.
What are the best steps to follow to improve your credit report in relation to those existing collection debts of past debts or existing debts.
First of all you must verify what those debts are, request your free credit report through AnnualCreditReport.com. Review all entries and make sure they are valid. If you discover some negative entries that are included in error, you can dispute them with the original creditor directly. Contact the creditor to verify the debt. If they are errors, ask that they be deleted from your report. If it's a lot of work for you, consult your credit repair company that gives you confidence.
If the debts are already up to date and you don't owe anything, wait for the debts in collection to be erased without doing anything. This can last 4 to 7 years. It is 7 years from the date you stopped making payments. After 7 years, old debts are deleted from the credit report. If you have no plans to buy a house, a car or take out a loan, this may be your option.
Debt collection agencies are often aggressive and intimidating when collecting overdue debts. These agencies use tactics such as garnishing your earned income, stripping you of your belongings, and taking you to court if you don't pay debts. Although the debts have already been reported to the credit bureaus, it is important to pay the agencies to avoid further problems with your credit.
Make sure the debt really belongs to you. Ask the agency to prove that you are the debtor. Also the name of the bank or credit card, the date and the amount of the original debt.