Ways to negotiate an arrears debt

By Juan Carlos Guilbe
Financial Advisor - Youtuber
Debt Freedom USA

Leaving a debt behind is not a good option for your credit history. Years can pass. And your record will be stained by that past debt. Nowadays there are many solutions and here we give you the best advice. Ignoring debt collection is a fatal mistake for your credit history. If you cannot pay that debt, there are entities like Debt Freedom USA that advise you on ways you can alleviate this situation.

If it is the case that the debt is not yours, but you are being charged, you must inform the debt collector. If the debt is yours and you cannot pay it, you may be able to reach an agreement with the debt collector. You can also ask them in writing to stop contacting you, which will stop communications. But not the existence of the debt. There are several options, including reaching an agreement with the collector, which is the best option, or contacting Debt Freedom USA and seeing if you qualify for debt reduction. In some cases you could reduce your debt by 50%, depending on your case. Consulting with a credit counselor is the most effective way to know what you should do in your case.

Credit counselors are organizations that can give you advice regarding managing your money and debt, help you create a budget, and usually offer free educational materials and seminars. It should be noted that ignoring or avoiding a debt collector may cause them to use other methods to try to collect from you, including filing a lawsuit against you. If you are unable to reach an agreement with a debt collector, you may want to contact an attorney who can offer legal advice about your situation. Your local legal aid office may have information available on its office or website. You may also be eligible to receive free advice through legal assistance or clinics, depending on your income and where you live.

Way to negotiate a settlement

Be prepared to negotiate a settlement or payment agreement with a debt collector. To accomplish this, consider this three-stage approach:

  1. Learn about the debt.
  2. Plan so that you propose a refund that is realistic or an accommodation that is reasonable.
  3. Negotiate a realistic agreement with the debt collector.

Payment plans

If you want to make a proposal to pay off debt, review your debt priorities first, as falling behind on other bills to pay this debt could cause more problems. Consult with Debt Freedom USA about which options are best for you.About Debt Freedom USA

Debt Freedom USA, is a financial advisory company with 11 years of experience in the Hispanic market, offers advisory services for debt settlement, consolidation and debt negotiation. We quickly and effectively identify the best solutions to get out of debt, debt consolidation, credit repair, elimination of collection calls and we can help you make low payments on your debts.

Call us today for a free consultation at 1-800-854-3030 or email us at yury.uribe@debtfreedom-usa.com.

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Juan Carlos Guilbe
Certified Personal Financial Coach
CEO of Debt Freedom USA

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